Emojis And Their Meanings

What is the Meaning of the Melting🫠Face Emoji?

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picture for melting emoji meaning

The melting emoji 🫠 is the hot new emoji on the block in 2022. It shows a smiling face looking like it’s melting away into a puddle. What does it mean when someone sends you the melting emoji though? Grab a popsicle and let’s dive in to decode this gooey little symbol!

What Does The Melting Emoji Mean?

The melting emoji has two main uses:

  1. Melting from being in love or attraction
  2. Melting from embarrassment

Let’s break it down…

Melting Emoji For Love

When you have the hots for someone, it can make you feel like you’re turning into a melted pile of mushy goo inside. If your crush makes your heart go pitter-patter, using the melting emoji is a fun way to show it!

Send a flirty text to your sweetheart like:

  • “Thinking about you makes me melt 🫠”
  • “You’re so hot, I’m melting! 🫠🔥”
  • “I’ve fallen for you and I can’t get up 🫠”

Or use it respond when someone pays you a compliment:

  • “Aww you’re so sweet, now I’m melting! 🫠”

Melting Emoji For Embarrassment

piyooo shared her feelings in her tweets with melting face emoji

Ever been so embarrassed you wish you could disappear into a puddle on the floor? We’ve all been there! The melting emoji perfectly captures that feeling of melting into the ground.

Some embarrassing moments where you could use the melting emoji:

  • Tripping in public
    “Oops! I just faceplanted walking to class 🫠”
  • Forgetting someone’s name
    “I called my boss Mr. Smith instead of Mr. Jones, I’m meltinggg 🫠🫠🫠”
  • Saying something awkward
    “I accidentally told my friend I loved them instead of ‘love ya’ I’m melting away now byeeee 🫠”
  • Messing up in front of your crush
    “I choked on my food in front of my crush, melting emoji please save me 🫠”

Pro tip: Pair the melting emoji with the facepalm emoji 🤦‍♀️when you’re really embarrassed!

Other Melting Emoji Meanings

The melting emoji can also show feelings of being:

  • Overwhelmed by emotion
    “My grandma just told me she’s proud of me, I’m melting 🫠”
  • Stressed out
    “Exams next week and I’m so not ready, melting from stress 🫠”
  • Overheated
    “It’s 100 degrees out, I’m literally melting 🫠🔥”
  • Blown away by something amazing
    “This concert is incredible! I’m melting 🫠🎶”
  • Melting with joy
    “Vacation starts tomorrow, I’m melting with happiness 🫠☀️”

How To Use The Melting Emoji

Want to start slipping some melting emoji magic into your texts? Here are some tips:

  • Use it when professing attraction or love for someone
  • Respond to compliments with the melting emoji
  • Describe embarrassing situations where you wish you could disappear
  • Pair it with other emojis that match the context like fire for love or the facepalm for embarrassment
  • Show your emotional state melting from being overwhelmed, stressed, overheated, joyful and more!

So next time you’re feeling those melty vibes, don’t be afraid to get gooey with the melting emoji! It’s the perfect way to show you’re falling hard for someone or want to ooze away in embarrassment. Just don’t use it to ghost your friends – that’s just rude! Let the melting emoji handle all of your buttery emoticon needs instead.

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